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Sunday, October 30, 2011

So what a wild week!

Well they see Spontaneity is the spice of life right...? Well we proved that this past week here in St. George. You always go through life and find yourself having those kind of weeks that just stick out for a long time and it's tough to keep those kind of weeks going consistently. This week will be one that is very difficult for us to continue. A very solid week as it first started off, but the fun gets started mostly on Thursday. So there we are at the Dixie soccer game and like always we are trying to decide what to do, when someone throws out the idea of "Let's go to Vegas". Well it didn't take that long for that idea to stick, so there we about 30 minutes later with 6 of us piled in Jared's truck at about 10 p.m. ready to go to Sin City with no plans of what to do once we get there. So the night goes on with so much laughter its not even believable most likely. As we go throughout the night in vegas we really only do one thing, walk the strip. That turned into being one of the most funny trips down the strip  ever. From the drunks, to the ridiculously crazed,to the guys trying to get us to go to the strip clubs, to the random people that danced with us, to Jared starting a group dance while walking down the strip with people we don't even know. All in all it was a fantastic trip and we made it home safely around 5 a.m. Friday morning. So after a night that crazy and with hardly any sleep Friday night should be a little less crazy and at least toned down a bit. Well not this week. Friday night at around 10: 30 we still have no plans for the night. Once again a spontaneous idea is tossed out there..."Let's go to the Howl in Cedar." So there we are again...10:30 at night piled into a truck headed for cedar in quick fix style halloween costumes. They Howl was many people. It was a good time! Then we finish off the night with a late meal at Denny's and then we return home around 4:30. Again a little bit crazy but alot of fun and as always full of laughter. Here's to another week of memories and good times with friends. Take Care and Go Pants!
Quote of the Week:
"A yawn is a silent shout." - G. K. Chesterton
That quote has no meaning or value other than it kind of makes me laugh when I think about people yawning now.

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