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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Another Week Goes By

Another good week for BattlePants. We had some very solid moments from funny situations at work, to hot tubbing, to running around the house wrestling with eachother and pulling pranks on eachother, and everything else in between. All in all life here in the BattlePants household of St. George is pretty good. With school getting more and more hectic, with work almost every night, and studying we still find time to have lots of fun and laughter. This week Kale, Kobee, Michael, and myself experimented with the coning sensation that has hit the country. For those of you who don't know what coning is, go look it up on youtube it's a good time.We did this for probably 3 hours and hit every fast food joint in St. George that served ice cream cones and we did film it for your pleasure as well. So hopefully videos will be uploaded to facebook and on here within the next dew days. 
Quote of the Week: 
“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
Mae West
With that being said have a good week and as always GO Pants!

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